Now how this is going to work is that you need to follow the order of the blogs of each DT member given below. At each blog you will find one part of a recipe that you will need to use on a project. There will actually be 3 progressive recipe challenges. On Friday, we will be doing a DANGOS card recipe challenge, Saturday will feature a layout recipe challenge with our DT member's favorite items, and Sunday will feature an altered item recipe challenge. You will need to visit each of the DT blogs all 3 days to get the new list of items for the recipe for that day.
So for today, we have an Altered project. Each DT member has picked one item or color, and you will need to include all 6 of those items on your project (there can be additional items as well). You need to visit each DT member's blog to find out what those items are. Once you have completed the challenge, you can provide a link to your project by posting a comment here and/or posting it in the Scrapdango forum .
The Altered ITEM
When trying to decide what item to Alter I was looking for some of my flowers which I had recently moved when reorganizing my space. Well after spending at least 10 minutes going crazy because I could not remember where they were I decided what my altered project would be, a container to hold my flowers!
So for the Altered item I chose the color Blue. Here is my Before pic of my altered project. I started with an empty cotton candy container.
My original idea was to cover the whole thing with pattern paper, well with the slight cone shape and it was more than 12" around my plan QUICKLY changed. So I painted the plastic with a dark dark brown paint and then added the cardstock and pattern paper on top of the paint. That worked sooooooo much easier. Then I embellished the paper with a title and extras, I also added ribbon along the edge to give the lid a decorative finish. I then traced the lid onto the pattern paper, cut it, distressed it and attached it to the lid. Now I won't be able to lose my flowers again. I had to take several pics to see everything.
For each of the 3 challenges that you complete this weekend, you will earn 1 draw toward the prize of a Scrapdango kit. You can also earn extra draws by doing the following:
1. Posting comments on all 6 DT blogs.
2. Inviting a friend that actively participates in the hop (they should leave a comment saying who invited them)
3. Posting on the Scrapdango forum something you learned about each DT member from their blog."
Scrapdango Blog
Lisa - You are Here
Kerryn <<<-------------You Go Here Next